Effective engagement factsheets
Series of engagement factsheets support sport and activity providers to think about the ways they include disabled people. From planning opportunities to measuring impact, these resources help organisations embed inclusive practice and engage more disabled people to be active.
Supported by Sport England, Activity Alliance is encouraging organisations who plan and deliver activity opportunities to think about the ways they include disabled people.
There is more than one way to engage disabled people and no set plan to ensure disabled people can take part in sport and physical activity. These resources empower organisations by providing the support, connections, and insight they need to embed inclusive practice into their work.
The factsheets are a great first step to learn about effective engagement. Our team of strategic partnership advisors are on hand to support organisations further with their expert guidance. Find out more about our team of partnership advisors here.
In addition to these factsheets, you can also access more resources on our YouTube channel with five video presentations on effective engagement. View our effective engagement playlist on YouTube (opens in a new window).
Factsheet 1: Know your audience
This factsheet presents key population, impairment, and participation statistics to help organisations build a picture of disabled people within their target audiences.
Download know your audience factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 2: Effective engagement
There is no one way to engage disabled people in sport and activity. So, it is vital to ensure your organisation's objectives and processes are fully inclusive for disabled people.
Download effective engagement factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 3: Engagement through research and insight
Research and insight is vital to every organisation. It ensures that programmes, support, and services meet the needs of the audience and promote the organisation’s aims effectively.
Download research and insight factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 4: Gathering and using insight on disabled people
Knowing your audience is essential. This factsheet provides top tips on how to be more effective in gathering and using insight. There are specific points to consider and places to look when gathering information on disability and disabled people.
Download gathering and using insight factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 5: Accessible and inclusive communications
Accessible and inclusive communications is about reaching more people, not just disabled people. Your words, images, designs, and websites all play a part in encouraging more people to be active.
Download accessible and inclusive communications factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 6: Engaging older people
We worked in partnership with Age UK to create this factsheet. It provides top tips on who to involve and how to engage older people in your work and activities.
Download engaging older people factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 7: Understanding children and young people
Encouraging and providing opportunities for disabled children and young people to be active has significant benefits. These include improving independence, health, quality of life, wellbeing, and a range of social benefits.
Download children and young people factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 8: Supporter's role in engaging disabled people
Like any audience, when engaging disabled people in activities, it is important to think about influencers. It is not just disabled people alone who need to be aware of the opportunities that exist for them.
Download supporter's role factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 9: Engaging all women in sport and physical activity
Many disabled women are missing out on the lifelong benefits of sport and physical activity. This factsheet provides top tips on how to engage more women, including disabled women.
Download engaging all women factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 10: Performance measurement and learning
Performance measurement is the process of evaluating how well your project, programme, or organisation is doing against your aims, objectives, or targets. Getting this right is important when it comes to working with disabled people.
Download performance measurement factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 11: Supporting disabled people from low-income households
Many barriers can prevent disabled people from accessing opportunities to be active. This factsheet provides insight on how deprivation affects some disabled people’s lives and their opportunities to be active.
Download supporting low-income households factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).