Inclusive communications factsheets
A series of inclusive communications factsheets to support sport and activity providers to be more accessible and inclusive in their communications. The factsheets cover a range of communication topics, channels, tools, and platforms.
Written by Activity Alliance in partnership with Big Voice Communications and Sport England, each factsheet is bursting with bitesize tips and better practice guidance. If applied effectively, these inclusive practices can help providers to reach a wider audience, including more disabled people.
The ten factsheets aim to address the main communication barriers that many people experience when accessing opportunities. They provide clear guidance and practical tips on effective planning, design, and delivery of accessible and inclusive marketing communications.
In addition to the factsheets, you can also access more resources on our YouTube channel with six short information films on all things inclusive communications. View our inclusive communications playlist on YouTube (opens in a new window).
Factsheet 1: Social media
Social media has an undeniably huge reach, with the power to connect with most audiences. This factsheet supports sport and activity providers to reach a wider audience on social media.
Download social media factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 2: Events
There are so many communication channels to use, but to promote your events more effectively you need to first understand your audience's preferences.
Download events factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 3: Digital communications
From social media and mobile apps to website code and content, making digital communications accessible from the start will save you time and money.
Download digital communications factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 4: Language
Language can act as a barrier to participation. Sports organisations should use positive language and terminology to attract more disabled people to activities.
Download language factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 5: Accessible budget
Planning is key to making every penny count and ensuring that you are doing as much as you can to meet disabled people's communication needs.
Download accessible budget factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 6: Campaigns
Delivering more accessible and inclusive campaigns can attract disabled people to your sport and help you comply with the reasonable adjustments set out by The Equality Act 2010.
Download campaigns factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 7: Design
Planning is essential when designing your communications to make sure as many people as possible can access your content.
Download design factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 8: Photography
The higher the quality of your images, the more likely people are to read your news stories or even take part in your events.
Download photography factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 9: News
This factsheet supports providers to write positive news stories about disabled people being active. Promoting you sport or activity via the media is a great way to reach disabled people.
Download news factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).

Factsheet 10: Checklist
This factsheet helps providers understand the different elements involved when planning inclusive marketing communications. Each section is broken down into a simple checklist.
Download checklist factsheet in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).