Inclusive Activity: Taking a person-centred approach
This resource explains the concept of 'intersectionality' in relation to disabled people and how this can influence their activity levels. It encourages sport and leisure organisations to take a person-centred approach when planning and providing opportunities.
Research shows there are high levels of physical inactivity among certain populations. This includes disabled people, women and girls, older people, and people from lower socioeconomic households.
Many organisations group inactive audiences by standard demographics. This can lead to assumptions about their behaviour, motivations and barriers to being active.
Disabled people are a part of every demographic in society, motivated to be or not to be active for numerous reasons. This resource encourages the sport and leisure providers to look beyond standard demographics and take a person-centred approach to providing opportunities for disabled people.
Inclusive Activity: Taking a person-centred approach
Download Activity Alliance's Inclusive Activity: Taking a person-centred approach resource in accessible PDF format (opens in a new window).