We all belong: Leaders unite to launch new strategy
Last night we were delighted to launch our new strategy, we all belong, at Lord’s cricket ground. Leaders from across sport, physical activity and health joined together as we called for change to ensure all disabled people feel they belong in sports and activities.

It was hosted fantastically by Andy Stevenson, sports broadcaster and podcaster. Among guests, Minister for Social Security and Disability, Sir Stephen Timms, Sport England’s Chief Executive, Tim Hollingsworth OBE and our Vice President, John Amaechi OBE.
More than 100 people joined Activity Alliance as we unveiled our new strategy. ‘We all belong’ is the result of a powerful collaboration of knowledge, insight and consultation with disabled people, our partners and networks. It addresses the major barriers that disabled children and adults face when trying to be active or work in sports and activities.
With a new vision and direction for the coming years, our three key ambitions tackle the important broad issues. We will continue to work with disabled people and an alliance of committed partners to build a movement for change.
Our ambitions are:
- Sports and activities meet disabled people's needs - we will make a noticeable change so disabled people can access and feel the benefits of taking part.
- Disabled people influence campaigning, policy and decision making - we will champion disabled people's voices to advocate for change.
- Address inequalities by working with others - we will build a powerful collective voice with partners to positively impact disabled people.
You can read our full strategy here.
To begin the evening, we showcased a compelling new campaign film that conveys our vision for the future.
Watch the We All Belong campaign video.
After Adam Blaze, our Chief Executive, opened the event, guests listened to two panel discussions. The first from a group of disabled people who shared their many lived experiences.
Eve, Frankie and Rob with our Vice President, Dr Phil Friend OBE, gave a short insight into the barriers they have faced and the opportunities that sports and activities can provide. From working as coaches or fitness instructors to childhood experiences, the group gave real insight into why our strategy is so crucial beyond 2024.
The second panel including Tim Hollingsworth, John Amaechi and Sarah Brown-Fraser, Head of Communications and Policy at Activity Alliance, talked about leadership driving change.
All spoke openly about why there are still frustrating blockers on more disabled people being part of policy and decision making and what solutions there are for the future. They explored how many positive examples there are around the country and why sharing that impact with others is so crucial.
Adam closed the event urging leaders in the room to be involved, be part of the change and work with us to achieve our vision.
Thank you to all who attended and continue to support our work.