Visit Activity Alliance

Giel dancing with pom poms in a sports hall.

Made possible by founding funder Spirit of 2012 and additional investment from Sport England and London Marathon Foundation, we continue to be focused on getting some of the UK's least active people moving.

The programme is led by Activity Alliance, and since its existence we’ve worked with many partners, including the Home Nation Disability Sport Organisations: Disability Sport Northern Ireland (DSNI), Disability Sport Wales (DSW) and Scottish Disability Sport (SDS). 

We’ve already teamed up with many locations across the UK. As GOGA’s lead partner, Activity Alliance has worked with a range of partners to help reach more people through local and national expertise. 

GOGA is about much more than being active. It strengthens community spirit, increases confidence and improves mental health. The success of GOGA comes from tapping into people's real life motivations to be physically active, underpinned by Activity Alliance's Talk to Me 'Ten Principles'.

GOGA's core ingredients

  • Reaching the very least active disabled and non-disabled people in “active recreation” through locality driven outreach, engagement and effective marketing.
  • Supporting disabled and non-disabled people to be active together through genuinely inclusive environments.
  • Focus on engaging people and developing workforce through use of the talk to me ten principles.
  • Three types of sustainability - individuals active for life,  inclusive local system and practice and transferable learning.

Our funders

Spirit of 2012 is the founding funder of GOGA. They initially funded the four-year programme (2016 - 2020) to reach 16,500 of the very least active disabled and non-disabled people. They invested another £3 million for phase two of the programme (2020 - 2023).

In 2020, GOGA secured further continuation funding and additional investment of £1 million each from Sport England and the London Marathon Foundation. Helping to further extend GOGA's reach and impact.

To find out more about this programme please contact us.

Adam Blaze, Activity Alliance Chief Executive

Get Out Get Active proves time and again how inclusive activities can benefit people across in more ways than just becoming active. Thanks to local GOGA expertise thousands of the least active people in society are living happier and healthier lives.

Adam Blaze - Activity Alliance Chief Executive

Get Out Get Active programme description in BSL and subtitles