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Found 554 news stories.
Blog: 'Volunteering is about giving something back'
June's blog theme is volunteering. This week, Mandy Broadbent, a volunteer who works with the Lions Club International, discusses the upcoming Typhoo National Junior Athletics Championships in Warwick.
Blog: 'I hope to take in the football... but it’s the volunteering that counts!'
June's blog theme is Volunteering. This week, Leon Taylor, a volunteer from Derby, discusses being part of the Cerebral Palsy Football World Championships.
Blog: 'Why not volunteer? You will feel a sense of value'
June's blog theme is Volunteering. This week, John Harling, of IFI accredited Portway Lifestyle Centre in Sandwell, discusses the benefits of the Buddy System of volunteers in place at his leisure centre.
Blog: 'Volunteering can potentially change your life'
June's blog theme is volunteering. This week, Jannine Walker, National Events Manager at EFDS, discusses working with lovely" volunteers and the power of giving up your time."
Blog: 'As the BBC, we have the ability to reach wider audiences'
May's theme is communications. Sharon Fuller, Project Lead at Get Inspired, BBC Sport’s Participation Initiative, discusses addressing the barriers to participation and BBC Sport's crucial role.
Blog: 'Everyone benefits if we can make the internet more accessible'
May's theme is communications. Robin Christopherson, Head of Digital Inclusion at AbilityNet discusses making your website user journeys more accessible.
Blog: 'Think carefully about the disabled people in your audience'
May's theme is communications. This week, Catherine Grinyer, inclusive communications consultant, discusses the secret to effective communications.
Blog: 'Communicating effectively is a skill that coaches need to develop'
May's theme is communications. This week, Stuart Harrison, lead tutor and volunteer with UK Deaf Sport, discusses a unique, and valuable, training experience for sports coaches.
Deaf Awareness Week: Connect and communicate in sport and physical activity
In Deaf Awareness Week, EFDS recognises the importance that inclusive communications play to increase deaf people's participation in sport and physical activity.
Blog: Inclusive communications is about people, not just disabled people
May's theme is communications. In the first blog of the month Sarah Marl, Marketing and Communications Manager at EFDS, discusses how inclusive communications helps those in sport and physical activity to reach more people, especially disabled people.
Blog: 'That exercise-induced buzz gives people real confidence'
April's theme is local opportunities. For the final week this month, MANFIT's Dr Margaret Tyson discusses giving disabled people confidence, staging a variety of sports and seeing participants making friends.
Blog: 'We are proud to be a member-run club whose history now spans 40 years'
April's theme is local opportunities. This week, SportsAble’s Melissa Paulden discusses a ruby anniversary for a charity committed to staying close to its roots.