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UK Deaf Sport launches ‘Deafcember’ this Christmas

In a year that has already brought us ‘Stoptober’ and ‘Movember’, UK Deaf Sport have launched ‘Deafcember’. A fun fundraising month, focused on raising money to help deaf and hearing impaired people of all ages to access sport.

Currently only 10.8% of deaf people access sporting activities, this is much lower than those with other impairments. UK Deaf Sport aims to encourage deaf people to participate, enjoy and excel at sport. Deafcember is all about having fun with family and friends to raise funds to create more opportunities for deaf and hearing impaired people to take part in sport and physical activity.

This festive season why not get together with friends and have a Deafcember Christmas party. Stay in, stay warm and support UK Deaf Sport all at the same time.

Throw a dinner party, organise a raffle or simply donate the money you would be spend if you were heading out for a night on the town. However, if you decide to celebrate Deafcember be sure to share it with UK Deaf Sport, post your pictures on Facebook and Twitter using #deafcember. 

For more information about UK Deaf Sport and Deafcember, visit their website here.

To request a free Deafcember fundraising pack email with your name and postcode.