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Activity Alliance signs open letter to party leaders

Activity Alliance has signed an open letter to party leaders from Nuffield Health and the Richmond Group, advocating for a concerted effort to support people with long-term conditions to move more, particularly by committing to a cross-government movement strategy.

Inclusive sitting volleyball session

Physical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for ill health, yet according to data from Nuffield Health’s Healthier Nation Index 3 in 4 people are not meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s recommendation for daily exercise.

With the election fast approaching, parties’ manifestos missed an opportunity to leverage the power of physical activity and movement. This intervention could fundamentally change the trajectory we are on and transform the nation’s economy, health and wellbeing.

We have added our name to a coalition of leading health charities, academic bodies, and providers in an open letter written by the Richmond Group of Charities and Nuffield Health.  

In it we call on party leaders to commit to implementing a new, cross-government National Movement Strategy within the next Parliament. We urge them to prioritise movement and physical activity, and work with us together to turn around the nation’s deepening health and wellbeing crisis.

Read the full letter.