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WheelPower's Impact Report for year ending 31 March 2014

WheelPower is passionate about sport and dedicated to providing opportunities for disabled people to live healthy active lifestyles. The charity and National Disability Sport Organisation (NDSO) has released their latest impact report to present their annual success story. 

Their goal in 2013/14 was to continue this momentum and maximise the many benefits of sport for disabled people at the birthplace of the Paralympic movement and all around the country.

Over the last twelve months they have delivered their new pilot project in Spinal Units. WheelPower’s Physical Activity Advisors have been providing expert advice and support to patients with a recent spinal injury in the crucial early stages of rehabilitation.

This year, the Paralympic Legacy project Motivate East delivered by WheelPower has seen an upsurge of people from East London take part in sporting activities. From Paralympic prospects to those that had never played sport previously, over 5,800 disabled people have taken part in a range of sports and activities.

Sport can develop confidence and improve fitness but it’s also a great way to have fun and make friends. There are tremendous physical and psychological benefits, whatever your age or ability and that’s why more and more people are joining our sport events.

There are an estimated 750,000 wheelchairs users in the UK and many more have a disability which means they would use a wheelchair to play sport. There is still much more we can all do to transform the lives of disabled people.

You can find out more about WheelPower as a participant, supporter or volunteer via their new membership system. Sign up now for free at