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Mark Fosbrook blog: 2014 Incheon World Wheelchair Basketball Championship

The 2014 Incheon World Wheelchair Basketball Championships are being held from 5-14 July in South Korea.

GB Men’s Wheelchair Basketball team is ready to take on the best in the world. Among the British team members is Mark Fosbrook, EFDS's Engagement Officer for the Midlands and South West.

In this, the first of a series of blogs, Mark reveals his feelings leading up to the championships.

Blog 1: Realisation that I'm on this journey and I am here to do a job

This is the first of my blogs on my experience and time at the Wheelchair Basketball World Championships.

It's a great opportunity to represent my country. For several months now I have been working hard in both my job supporting 18 CSPs while also training regularly with the GB Men's Wheelchair Basketball Squad. I was lucky enough to then be selected in the team for the World Championships in Korea.

Before heading to Korea we have made our way as a team to Japan. Now here in Toyohashi I have got some time to write this first post.

The journey was a long one taking 32 hours door to door. It was a weird experience as I was still thinking about work and also the exciting time ahead. As well as that, I was thinking about missing my family for the next 3 weeks. Due to the long journey the jet lag didn't really hit home and I managed a good night’s sleep the first night. I woke in the morning and looked out of my bedroom window on the 22nd floor to a fantastic view and a realisation that I was actually on this journey and I am here to do a job. We headed to the venue and were presented with a fantastic three court venue dedicated to basketball.

The training was fairly light, which was good because the air was so humid and I have also been suffering from a slight cold which had started just before I left. There were definitely cobwebs that needed to be blown away after the flight and this day gave us the opportunity to do that. It also started to sink in that I was no longer at work and my focus could fully switch to being as prepared as I can be for the Championships. That being said I am still scanning my emails!

GB v Netherlands Mark Fosbrook playing basketball

Jet lag then stepped in. From chatting with team mates everyone including myself had a bad night’s sleep. However we all had a job to do and a job we did. After three days and four matches against Japan A & B we pulled off four wins. This has been an ideal time to prepare and tweak all of our different line ups. The squad is looking strong and now have had a couple of days to rest and recover before we make our way to Korea for the Championships.

The next post I write will be when we are at the World Championships and ready to go!

(Photos SA images)

Watch the live streaming of the championships here. Or find out more on the official website here