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EFDS welcomes new Momentum magazine to increase disabled people's awareness

The English Federation of Disability Sport is delighted to be part of the first national magazine focused on all things sport and physical activity for disabled people. Momentum magazine is the newest title from North East based publishing house Publishing Magazines Ltd, and the first edition is out now!

Momentum is an exciting new venture for Publishing Magazines, who also produce EmPower, a publication featuring stories on amputees and people with limb-loss. There will be a new edition to read every two months, packed full of news and information for all levels of participation.

As part of the initial meeting to explore the potential for Momentum, the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) and Publishing Magazines agreed on the importance of reaching more people with the final format. This meant a new concept in print magazines, providing a electronic version too. The magazine's website uses Recite Me software, which even allows readers to change the text into different languages if needed.

EFDS was pleased to provide the foreword for it. Barry Horne, CEO for EFDS, said in the opening words:

"I am delighted to introduce Momentum. It is a brand new publication, with a great purpose. We have a simple long-term vision: “Disabled people are active for life” and are excited by the potential for Momentum to play a key role in realising that vision."

The magazine provides interesting topics on all areas and levels of sport from absolute beginners right the way through to elite level Paralympians. The first issuefeatures include Archery GB, Get into Golf, British Cycling, England and Wales Cricket Board, Level Playing Field and many more. There are also articles on the National Disability Sport Organisations (NDSOs).

Future plans for the magazine are already in motion and the publishers welcome any news and new writers. They were particularly happy to feature three outstanding athletes in the first edition.

Steve McGargle, Managing Director for Publishing Magazines Limited, said:

“We were really excited to work with Charlotte Henshaw, Sam Ruddock and Joe Seage- all outstanding young sports people who shared with us their personal building blocks for success. The beauty of Momentum is that it is the UK’s only publication which is aimed at encouraging people with disabilities to become engaged with and participate in sporting events. We are careful to balance Momentum so that it can reach the widest audience possible, the articles are interesting and current, and the magazine is accessible, whether that be in paper format or via the text to speech function on the website”

For further information please call 0191 516 6160 or visit the website to find out more. You can also read the first edition here