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IFI programme reflects on influential funding partnership with Department of Health

For the last three years, the Department of Health has funded a core part of the Inclusive Fitness Initiative, a highly successful programme managed by the English Federation of Disability Sport. Now at the end of this funding cycle, we reflect on its impact on disabled people and the shape of work to come.

From 1 July 2011 until 30 June 2014, the Department of Health’s (DoH) Voluntary Sector Investment Programme for Innovation, Excellence and Strategic Development has supported the Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFI) Mark. With over ten years in delivery, the IFI Mark is the health and fitness sector’s national accreditation scheme for inclusive and accessible service provision. DoH’s support has enabled the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) to continue developing and expanding IFI as well as promote the health benefits of regular physical activity to disabled people.

The funding, through IFI, has made a notable difference to disabled people and the fitness industry. It has helped to increase the number of IFI Mark facilities available nationally, boosting opportunities for disabled people to be active. We have also produced more resources for providers and shared a wealth of good practice across the country. These have supported and influenced the fitness industry to deliver high quality inclusive services and accessible fitness.

Over the funding period, our network of IFI Mark facilities has increased to 436 accredited leisure centres – each supported in the key areas of facility accessibility, staff training, marketing and communications, engagement and accessible equipment provision. Building on this platform, IFI has delivered the Marketing Gyms to Disabled People kitbag resource for marketing professionals and a Delivering Excellent Customer Service for Disabled People e-learning training package- to equip front of house staff with disability knowledge and appropriate communication skills.

As we continue to work towards even more sustainable models of delivery, we have engaged with a range of leisure operators and County Sports Partnerships to ensure industry buy-in and drive increasing demand for accessible services and equipment.

Barry Horne, EFDS’s Chief Executive said about the DoH’s funding:

“Undoubtedly, the Department of Health’s funding has helped IFI to expand its reach on a national scale. As for many non-disabled people, a good number of disabled people begin being active through exercise and gym-based activities. These local IFI Mark facilities improve the opportunities for more disabled people to be active regularly and reap the benefits of, as well as sustain an active lifestyle. For these reasons, IFI continues to be recognised as a crucial programme to engage more disabled people in physical activity. We look forward to developing it for many years to come.”

Access all areas

The DoH funding has enabled us to work with a significant number of facilities seeking to improve their provision, particularly from IFI Mark Provisional Level to Registered Level. This shows the value providers place on the award for supporting service improvements around disability and inclusion.

This year, through an extensive user testing and expert involvement, the IFI Equipment Standards have enabled the IFI accredited product range to expand to 123 items from 16 suppliers. An important focus for 2013-2014 has been supporting leisure operators to identify these accessible products and to select an appropriate mix of equipment to meet the functional and training needs of a wide range of disabled users.

EFDS’s influence on the global development of standards for inclusive fitness equipment design has continued through our technical input into the work of ASTM International, the American national standards body for the fitness sector.

More than 168 front line staff at IFI Mark leisure centres have received the UK Disability Inclusion Training to help raise awareness and customer care levels. In addition, 270 fitness professionals have undertaken YMCAfit’s REPs accredited ‘Exercise and Disability’ course to gain confidence and expertise in writing and delivering safe, effective and fun exercise programmes for disabled people.

The comprehensive ‘Marketing Gyms to Disabled People’ resource has been a key piece of work over the DoH funding period. It continues to support providers to improve their reach and engage more effectively in their local areas with disabled people and organisations. To develop this thinking, a series of workshops and practical sessions were delivered to leisure trusts and group operators.  

EFDS would like to thank DoH for all their support during the funding programme. As IFI enters a new development cycle with exciting plans ahead, EFDS is actively seeking new funders to enjoy the same rewards. If you would like to hear more about the IFI or other programmes, please contact Chris Ratcliffe via email or phone our head office on 01509 227750.

Read more on the IFI programme here