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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Make Your Move for funding

Make Your Move is a £2m Sport England Lottery Funding, ring fenced grant stream for sporta member trusts, that is distinct in its design and implementation, in that the programme is shaped around the capabilities that trusts have in meeting their community and social outcomes.  

The programme began in April 2013 and targets complete inactive people. Funded projects will recruit inactive people, deliver targeted projects, enable them and increase their activity levels to 1x30 minutes per week of physical activity/sport, and sustain them for six months.

EFDS and the Inclusive Fitness Initiative are promoting this opportunity to partners and will support them  to engage more disabled people to become physically active - but you need to be quick!

Round 2 funding is currently open, closing 7th July, 5pm.

Project applications from the trusts to the Make Your Move funding programme must focus on demonstrating impact, innovation, need & insight, sustainability and community partnerships.

There is in depth evaluation being carried out throughout the three years, and the programme will develop, produce and share a “brochure” of the Make Your Move programme and projects for trusts UK wide and the wider sector. This will include project and participant case studies, quantitative monitoring and evaluation findings, and “off the shelf” project kits. There will be conferences and webinars during the next few years to share all our learning and findings.

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