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YST announces new inclusion project

The Youth Sport Trust (YST) is delighted to announce that it has been granted funding for a new inclusion project following a successful bid to the Big Lottery Fund and the Spirit of 2012 Trust through its 'Keeping the Spirit of 2012 Alive' initiative.

YST will deliver inspirational training camps in eight major cities to boost youth leadership and volunteering across the UK, with a special emphasis on inclusion. By adopting an innovative approach that uses the excitement of major sporting events, the Trust will bring disabled and non-disabled young people together to gain the skills and confidence to empower them to plan and deliver inclusive sports activities in their own communities.

The cities chosen will be linked to upcoming major sporting occasions, and areas of deprivation, with some of the young people who attend the camps gaining the opportunity to volunteer at these events. This project builds on the Youth Sport Trust's London 2012 legacy commitment - Lead your generation, which puts young people at the heart of delivering a Olympic and Paralympic legacy.

John Steele, Chief Executive of the Youth Sport Trust, said:

"At the Youth Sport Trust we are passionate about inspiring young people through PE and sport and building on the wonderful events at London 2012. This funding will enable us to further enhance our work linked to our legacy commitment Lead your generation - and will empower both disabled and non-disabled young people to drive the legacy in their schools and communities."

For more information on Youth Sport Trust, visit their website.