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TP’s story- Ten Principles in Action

TP is a goalkeeper at AFC Masters in Horwich, he says how being a part of a team makes him feel important.

TP smiling to camera in his football kit.

This week Activity Alliance, supported by Sport England, is releasing five Ten Principles in action films. Following on from the first film released in June that introduced the Principles.

The five films feature disabled people talking about how activity fits into their life and what it means to them to be active. Each film pinpoints two principles out of the ten to demonstrate how these work in action.

Today, viewers meet goalkeeper TP, his story focuses on my channels and my values.

TP told Activity Alliance:

“It makes me feel good in goal. Football makes me feel more active and more sociable. It makes me more confident in everyday life.”

Steve, one of TP’s coaches from AFC Masters told us:

“TP is a big part of the club. He’s been coming for seven years now. We really promote team spirit and it really is about friendship rather than just football teams.”

Iain, TP’s dad said:

"Coming to AFC Masters hasn’t only benefited TP and his development, I’ve made new friends too.”

Barry Horne, Chief Executive for Activity Alliance said: 

“Whilst many providers already offer opportunities for disabled people to take part, the high number of disabled people who are inactive remains a major cause for concern. Disabled people told us that, too often, they are unaware of opportunities available to them or said that what is offered is not appealing or accessible enough.

“These films provide a range of ideas on how we can all make opportunities attractive and inclusive. What’s clear from our experience of applying the principles is that they can be adapted to all audiences but include some considerations which are particularly important to successfully engaging disabled people.”

The Ten Principles in action films are available on Activity Alliance’s YouTube Channel. To watch Shay, TP, Tony, Anthony, Hannah and Tony’s stories visit the playlist here.

Watch out for Tony’s story tomorrow.

For more information about the Ten Principles and Talk to Me report, visit our research page, or contact