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Goalball UK welcomes UK Sport funding review

Goalball UK Chief Executive, Mark Winder has hailed UK Sport's funding review as an opportunity to significantly improve blind and visually impaired people’s access to sport and physical activity.

Dan Roper possessing the ball on a goalball court

In recent years, the funding approach of UK Sport, which prioritises sports with the greatest prospect of medal success only at the Olympics and Paralympic Games, has been criticised for failing to support a diverse range of sports. This frequently disadvantages more accessible sports with a potentially wider social value.

Goalball UK are calling for a base-line of funding to ensure talented athletes are given the chance they need to succeed, regardless of their sport and perceived 'medal potential'.

The national governing body (NGB) is rated as a Band 4 sport* for the Tokyo 2020 cycle, and does not currently receive any Government funding for its GB teams – meaning they must find other revenue streams in order to support elite athletes.

Chief Executive of Goalball UK, Mark Winder said:

"We have been supportive of UK Sport’s current funding model but, with this review, we see the opportunity to reset the UK’s approach to elite funding – particularly for blind and visually impaired athletes.
"Simply put, we question whether the cycle of seeking to beat the medal record of each successive Games is effective in fostering sustained participation – in particular in those communities that are not adequately represented in Team GB and ParalympicsGB.  
 "We know the value sport has in engaging and supporting people with a visual impairment. At Goalball UK, we are proud that our sport transforms the lives of our players and the people around them. While many visually impaired people face isolation, difficulties at school and limited employment opportunities – our players are 47% more like to be in education and employment. More consistent support from UK Sport would help us build on this and ensure talented athletes have a clear path from novice all the way to elite international sport. As it is, we must seek other means of funding."

As part of the NGB’s ongoing fundraising to sustain elite performance, Goalball UK recently secured funding from The Peter Harrison Foundation that will help with travel and training ahead of vital European competitions through 2018-19.

Mark added:

"In addition, we believe that it is unhelpful, in practice, to separate grassroots and elite funding. Ideally, the two feed each other and support a self-sustaining cycle of increased participation, supportive talent development and elite teams as an inspiration.
"A baseline of funding for all Olympic and Paralympic sports would give NGBs across the board the opportunity to provide consistent support to their athletes and give them the chance to succeed.
"By stepping off the treadmill of what is often termed in the media as ‘medal farming’ and launching an inclusive programme that supports a diverse range of athletes and sports, UK Sport has the opportunity to re-focus their approach to elite sport in a way that supports the sustained participation, well-being and health of the whole nation.
"If the UK is to fulfil the ambitions 'Towards an Active Nation' laid out by Sport England and endorsed by the Government, it is vital that we have a range of role models from diverse backgrounds and representing all sections of our society."

The number of blind and visually impaired people competing at the Games remains at a relatively low level – with team sports notably absent with the exception of blind football.

Goalball is the only sport specifically designed for blind and visually impaired people,  and is the only impairment specific team sport for visually impaired women. 

To find out more about Goalball UK and the positive impact this sport has for blind and visually impaired people, visit the Goalball UK website.

*A Priority Band 4 Sport is defined by UK Sport as: Medal Result Stretch Target