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Team CP England seeks success at CPISRA 2018 World Games

Over the last 12 months national charity, Cerebral Palsy Sport has been coordinating Team CP England's attendance at the CPISRA World Games 2018, which take place San Cugat, Spain from 7-12 August 2018. They have been helping the squad to prepare and will be looking emulate the success of the Nottingham 2015 CPISRA World Games. 

RaceRunner athletes training on athletics track

Team CP England travel to the Games on Monday 6 August and are looking forward to being welcomed by the Local Organising Committee and joining over 500 athletes from across the world. The 63 strong squad is made up of athletes, swimmers and RaceRunners who are all ready to take on competitors from 25 countries.

Team CP England RaceRunner, Thomas, took time out of his training schedule to tell us about his sport and how he's feeling ahead of his first World Games. Read Thomas's blog here.    

The 2018 Games build on the success of the 2015 CPISRA World Games hosted by Cerebral Palsy Sport in Nottingham. Over the last three years athletes with cerebral palsy and other associated physical impiarments have trained, competed and pushed themselves to reach the qualifying standards needed for selection. 

Chief Executive of Cerebral Palsy Sport, Ali Talbot said: 

"The 2018 Games are a fantastic opportunity for our England team to experience an overseas competition and show the rest of the world how talented they are. All 63 athletes selected have worked tirelessly over the last three years to be in a position for selection, and we cannot wait to see how well they do at the Games. Without the support of our members, volunteers, athletes and their families we would not be able to attend the Games with the team we have. Thank you to everyone for their continued support."

Thomas Stamp, Team CP England athlete said:

"My proudest moment so far is being selected to represent my country in the 2018 CPISRA World Games. When I read the letter and realising that I had been selected. I was feeling very proud of myself."

The Cerebral Palsy International Sport & Recreation Association (CPISRA) World Games 2018 will include competitions in athletics, swimming, RaceRunning and U19 football. There will also be development camps and competitions for boccia and wheelchair slalom. 

The opening ceremony and competition gets underway at the CPISRA World Games 2018 on Tuesday 7 August in Sant Cugat, Spain. To find out more about the Games, visit CPISRA World Games website.

Follow Cerebral Palsy Sport on Twitter for updates about Team CP England.