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Blog: 'I remain 100% committed to delivering high-quality training'

The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) website features a blog post every Friday through the year.

September's theme is Inclusive Fitness. This week, Robin Gargrave of Ad-Lib Training discusses a professional life spent working to increase participation.

Robin's blog:

Ad-Lib Training was established in 2012 by myself and Denise Page – we’re co-founders of Ad-Lib Training and we are both experts in exercise, fitness and physical activity.

The pair of us have over 50 years of combined experience in the sector, and central to our values is the belief that everyone has the right to enjoy the health benefits that accrue from regular participation in physical activity.

So I suppose it is no surprise that both of us have, for the entirety of our working lives, been involved in projects and programmes aimed at increasing the number of disabled people participating in physical activity, as well as addressing the health inequalities present in the disability community.

As far back as 1992 I wrote and developed and delivered the UK’s first training programme aimed at providing gym instructors with the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of disabled customers.

The programme led to a nationally-recognised qualification and was adopted by EFDS as a central part of the Inclusive Fitness Initiative.

Since its inception, over 1,500 instructors have accessed this programme which continues be delivered by Ad-Lib Training, enabling fitness industry employers to increase access and meet the needs of ever-increasing numbers of disabled customers.

When she was Head of YMCA Fitness Industry Training, Denise was responsible (in association with the charity ASPIRE) for the development and delivery of the award-winning InstructAbility programme. Funded by Sport England, the programme trains disabled people to be qualified gym instructors with the ability to work with all members of a fitness facility.

Both myself and Denise also taught InstructAbility programmes and witnessed first-hand the empowering and transformative experience undergone by the candidates.

Denise says:

“One of my proudest achievements has been to help address the chronic under-representation of disabled people in the fitness industry workforce via the InstructAbility programme.”

Ad-Lib Training has specialised in peer-led behaviour change, delivering training and programmes to community members, providing them with the skills, knowledge and, above all, confidence to support inactive members of their community to adopt a healthier and more physically active lifestyle.

The Para-Legacy Agent programme has been delivered through one of East London’s most inclusive and innovative community organisations, The Bromley-by-Bow Centre. 

As part of the Motivate East programme, Ad-Lib Training has trained four cohorts of disabled people who have gained a nationally-recognised Level One qualification and are now working with literally hundreds of disabled people in the East End.

Also in Bromley-by-Bow, the Active Futures programme sponsored by Barclays has seen Ad-Lib Training deliver AIQ Level One Assistant Physical Activity Instructor qualifications to disabled people, opening up pathways to employment.

So far the focus has been on people with learning difficulties and mental health needs.

Whether working with the Amateur Swimming Association to train front-line staff in customer care for disabled pool users, or at mental health facilities with Reinvent Lifestyle training clinicians to induct and supervise gym sessions for secure mental health service users, Ad-Lib Training remains 100% committed to delivering high-quality training, empowering the lives of disabled people.