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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Activity Alliance Research Charter

Download Activity Alliance Research Charter

As an organisation Activity Alliance is committed to providing leading data and information regarding disabled people and their involvement in sport and physical activity.

The document sets out the ways in which Activity Alliance will ensure that their research is barrier-free. It was co-created with disabled people and leads the way in setting out best practice when it comes to conducting research.

With these guiding principles all research participants should be proud of their role and know that your work has made a difference. Feel comfortable, confident and accepted as an equal part of our team as well as grow, learn, and benefit from taking part.

The charter guarantees that Activity Alliance will conduct research that has impact and meaning, is collaborative and inclusive. It also states ways in which the charity will communicate with those involved in research projects.

We have also produced an easy read version of the Research Charter.

A British Sign Language version can be found on the Activity Alliance YouTube channel.

Download the Activity Alliance Research Charter at the top of this page.

For more information on our research or how we work with disabled people, please email