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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Developed with contributions and insight from disabled people, advocates and organisations in the sport, physical activity, and voluntary sector. This includes consultation with the National Disability Sports Organisations and other disability partners.

We all deserve the right to move, play sport or be physically active however we choose to be. Nobody must feel excluded or forgotten as we strive for a happier, healthier, more active nation.

There are 16 million disabled people in the UK. Yet, disabled people face many barriers that can make it more challenging to access and take part in meaningful sport and physical activity. It is not fair that disabled people continue to miss out on the physical, social, and health and wellbeing benefits of being active.

Activity Alliance manifesto 2024 accessible PDF

Our asks

To ensure disabled people have equal access to sport and physical activity, we call upon the next government to:

1. Protect the benefits.

Provide clearer understanding and wider safeguarding to reassure disabled people that being regularly active will not threaten their social security and other forms of government financial assistance. 

2. Equip health and care workers.

With NHS, ensure that better processes are in place for health and care workers to support disabled people to use physical activity in ways which work best for them.

3. Increase accessible outdoor spaces.

Take a leading role in promoting and legislating design standards that ensure accessibility in local and national spaces.

Two men in judo session, working to throw each other to the groundPhoto credit: British Blind Sport

How you can help

  • Champion disabled people’s rights in sport and physical activity by supporting our asks. Use our evidence and insight to help in your advocacy work.
  • See the power of inclusion in sport, by visiting an activity in your constituency.
  • Ensure your campaign materials and social media are more accessible by considering communication barriers to information. Access our useful inclusive communication resources and support here –
  • Meet with Activity Alliance to discuss ways that can improve opportunities for disabled people. We can also introduce you to our expert partners for specific or targeted support. Email the team to get involved more.

Accessible word version of Activity Alliance manifesto 2024

Easy read version of Activity Alliance manifesto 2024

Activity Alliance manifesto - BSL version. (